Marilyn Monroe pour toujours


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Paroles de mes chansons rien que pour toi ... she acts like a woman should

If I know just what to say
When some trouble heads his way
And can make him feel
That everything is good
Then I act like a woman
And he likes a woman
To act like a woman should
If he's late and I'm alone
And he doesn't telephone
And the kiss that greets him
Says I understood
Then I act like a woman
And he likes a woman
To act like a woman should
And if I keep that love light
Shining in my eyes
Though I'm hurt by something
He may say
It doesn't take him very long
To realize
That it's more than just devotion
That makes me act that way
And as years go passing by
If I still can catch his eye
And his love runs deeper
Than he thought it could
Then I act like a woman
And he's got a woman
Who acts like a woman
Like a woman should

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